1. WP-Drudge WordPress Theme


    Simple, clean, and lightweight WordPress theme

    WP-Drudge is a WordPress theme for aggregation and content curation.

    The theme allows you to filter, post, comment, and customize – giving you a content curation website that is second-to-none.

WordPress RSS Aggregator Plugins

  1. RSS Partners WordPress Plugin via CodeCanyon

    RSS Partners

    A WordPress plugin for displaying RSS feeds via shortcode or widget

    RSS Partners is a simple and straightforward plugin for WordPress that allows you to easily add and aggregate RSS feeds and display them on your site via a widget or shortcode.

  2. WP RSS Aggregator WordPress Plugin

    WP RSS Aggregator

    Free RSS Aggregation WordPress Plugin

    This free plugin allows you to manage and display RSS feeds on your site.

    With dozens of customization options, more than 200,000 downloads, and a 4.3 star rating (as of this post), the WP RSS Aggregator plugin is certainly the leader of the available plugins out there.

About this collection…

There have been a few times where I have gone searching for a WordPress theme that would emulate the look and functionality of AllTop and PopURLs (which are sites that categorize and display content via RSS feeds).

When I was running a handful of GeoDomains, we needed a solution to aggregate and display content and RSS feeds in the “news” section of our sites.

While we ultimately hand-coded the aggregation to match the design and stay within the framework of our sites, there were a few that I came across that would definitely provide the similar features of AllTop and PopURLs.

Although there aren’t many of these style of themes out there (that I have been able to find), if you’re trying to set up your own clone or site that is similar to these RSS/content aggregators – there are a few options you might want to take a look at.

Additional Resources…

If you’re building a news aggregation site with WordPress, you might also want to check out these resources:

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